The Foundation Series
The Foundation Series
Monte Carlo Simulation
∝ Simulation Tests
Introduction: The Lady who Drank Tea There is a famous story about a lady who claimed that tea with milk tasted different depending on whether the milk was added to the tea or the tea added to the milk.
🃏 Permutation Test for Two Means
Introduction We saw from the diagram created by Allen Downey that there is only one test! We will now use this philosophy to develop a technique that allows us to mechanize several Statistical Models in that way, with nearly identical code.
Orange Tutorial
R Tutorial
Sample Datasets
🃏 Permutation Test for Two Proportions
Introduction We saw from the diagram created by Allen Downey that there is only one test! We will now use this philosophy to develop a technique that allows us to mechanize several Statistical Models in that way, with nearly identical code.
Orange Tutorial
R Tutorial
Sample Datasets
👟 Bootstrap Tests
Introduction Conclusion References
Orange Tutorial
R Tutorial
Sample Datasets