Basics of Machine Learning - Regression

Introduction: Mixing Colours
- between TWO colours, both colours inclusive using a straight line between them
- between several different colours?
- by mixing “equal proportions” of each
- Proportions based on “distance” from each colour
- On a “plane” with these points
- by mixing “equal proportions” of each
Some Examples from Drama
- Legally Blonde:
- Greek Chorus Explained:
- Sutradhar in Indian Drama
- Interpolation
- Extrapolation
- Calculating the optimum values for m and c, given x and y**, for
Playing with Orange: Paint My Data
Let us “draw inspiration” from the picture above, and see if we can replicate it. We will fire up Orange, paint some data and see if we can fit a linear regression ML model to it.
Here is the Orange file for you to download. Open this file in Orange.