🕶 Science, Human Experience, Experiments, and Data

Where does Data come from?

Let us look at the slides. Click on the icon above:


Why Visualize?

  • We can digest information more easily when it is pictorial
  • Our Working Memories are both short-term and limited in capacity. So a picture abstracts the details and presents us with an overall summary, an insight, or a story that is both easy to recall and easy on retention.
  • Data Viz includes shapes that carry strong cultural memories and impressions for us. These cultural memories help us to use data viz in a universal way to appeal to a wide variety of audiences. (Do humans have a gene for geometry?)
  • It helps sift facts and mere statements: for example:

What are Data Types??


In more detail:

How do we Spot Data Variable Types?

By asking questions!

Pronoun Answer Variable / Scale Example What Ope rations?
What, Who, Where, Whom, Which Name, Place, Animal, Thing Qua litative / N ominal Name
  • Count no. of


  • Mode

How, What Kind, What Sort A Manner / Method, Type or Attribute from a list, with list items in some ” order**” ( e.g. good, better, improved, best..) Qua litative / O rdinal
  • Socio

-economic status (“low income, middle income, high income)

  • education level


    school”, “B S”,” M


  • income level

    (“less than 50K”,

“50K-100K”, “over 100K”)

  • S atisfaction rating (




“neutral”, “like”,

“extremely like”).

  • Median
  • Per centiles
How Many / Much / Heavy? Few? Seldom? Often? When?

Quantities with Scale.

Differences are meaningful, but not products or ratios

Quan titative / In terval
  • pH
  • SAT score

(200-800), - Credit score

(300-850). - Year of

Starting in College

  • Mean

  • Standard D eviation

How Many / Much / Heavy? Few? Seldom? Often? When?

Quantities, with Scale and a Zero Value.

Differences and Ratios /Products are meaningful. (e.g Weight )

Quan titative / R atio**
  • Weight,le ngth,Height

  • Temperature in Kelvin

  • Enzyme

activity, dose amount,

reaction rate, flow rate,co ncentration

  • Pulse

  • Survival time

  • Cor relation
  • Coeff of V ariation

As you go from Qualitative to Quantitative data types in the table, I hope you can detect a movement from fuzzy groups/categories to more and more crystallized numbers. Each variable/scale can be subjected to the operations of the previous group. In the words of S.S. Stevens ,

the basic operations needed to create each type of scale is cumulative: to an operation listed opposite a particular scale must be added all those operations preceding it.

What Are the Parts of a Data Viz?

How to pick a Data Viz?

Most Data Visualizations use one or more of the following geometric attributes or aesthetics. These geometric aesthetics are used to represent qualitative or quantitative variables from your data.

From Claus Wilke, Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Figure 3: From Claus Wilke, Fundamentals of Data Visualization

What does that mean? We can think of simple visualizations as combinations of these aesthetics. Some examples:

Aesthetic #1 Aesthetic #2 Shape Chart Picture
Position X = Quant Variable Position Y = Quant Variable Points/Circles with Fixed Size
Position X = Qual Variable Position Y = Count of Qual var) Columns
Position X = Qual Variable Position Y = Qual Variable Rectangles, with area proportional to joint(X,Y) count
Position X = Qu alitative Variable Position Y = Rank Ordered Quant Variable Box + Whisker, Box length proportional to Inter-Quartile Range, whisker-length proportional to upper and lower quartile resp.
Position X = Quant Variable Postion Y = Quant V ariable + Qual Var
Quant Variable Shape = Line with Quant Variable

What Tool are we going to be using?

Fire up this website in your browser:


This is a #NoCode #NoInstallation browser-only tool that is free for us to use.

Let us play with this tool today and try to make as many visualizations and explanations as possible. The datasets we will is:

An Example

What is the Story here?

Your Turn

Try these two datasets in datawrapper.
