🐉 Introduction to R
Introduction to R
We have already installed R and RStudio when we installed Radiant!
We will get acquainted with data and its representations in R! We will also form a view of how English Grammar ( pronouns, verbs, adjectives, figures of speech..) get metaphorized into the R World!!
R for Data Science, Workflow: Basics Chapter: http://r4ds.had.co.nz/workflow-basics.html
Modern Dive, Getting Started Chapter: http://moderndive.com/2-getting-started.html
R & RStudio Basics: https://bookdown.org/chesterismay/rbasics/3-rstudiobasics.html
RStudio IDE Cheatsheet: https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/blob/master/rstudio-ide.pdf